Gingever- Ginger Extract

Gingever is a high-potency ginger extract designed to support digestive and immune health in a low-dose, versatile application.

GI-health Gastrointestinal health Ingredients
Immune-health Immune health
Gingever Key Ingredient

Why Gingever?

Most ginger ingredients on the market contain relatively small amounts of active components called gingerols, which means higher doses are required for efficacy. Gingever solves that problem by providing efficacious levels of gingerols in a small dose:


  • Available in paste (25% gingerols) and powder (10% gingerols) for formulation flexibility
  • Delivers beneficial amounts of gingerols in your formulas that meet consumers’ needs for efficacy and convenience
  • Solvent-free extraction process

The OmniActive difference means product excellence

We deliver premium Specialty & Botanical Actives.

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Science overview

Research shows that ginger plays a key role in digestive and immune health

The rich phytochemistry of ginger (i.e., gingerols and shogaols) have been shown to help:


  • Support healthy digestion and gastrointestinal health
  • Reduce nausea, motion sickness and morning sickness, as well as and soothe an upset stomach
  • Scavenge free radicals, modulate inflammation, and limit microbial growth
gingever clinical research

Numerous studies demonstrate ginger’s myriad health benefits. But providing those benefits depends on dosage. Gingever provides formulators a solution to deliver efficacious amounts of ginger in a small, convenient dose.

We are an innovation partner, not just any ingredient supplier.

We are a true brand partner, continuously bringing innovative solutions to meet consumers’ needs. Our strong science, technical and marketing teams are extensions of your business to help build innovative and effective formulas.

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Market insights

Top priorities for proactive selfcare consumers include digestive and immune health

Consumers are becoming more proactive with their health. Supplements for immune health are becoming an integral part of long-term strategies rather than a seasonal fix. And digestive health is strongly associated with overall health, including immunity. Ginger is uniquely positioned for the proactive selfcare consumer because of its recognition as an effective ingredient for digestive and immune health.

Gingever Market insights

Gingever allows you to deliver ginger’s digestive and immune health benefits in a single, small dose. Read more about a different type of immune support

The OmniActive difference means marketing support

We are conducting our own proprietary consumer research to help you build a better brand.


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Clean. Potent. Gingever.

Gingever uses supercritical CO2 extraction technology to concentrate the active compounds found in ginger without the use of harsh solvents.

This extraction process also provides a rich source of ginger’s polyphenols in a composition similar to the one found naturally in ginger root, delivering a clinically relevant dose of the active compounds in one small pill compared to ginger root powder.

Gingever powder uses our patented Ultrasol technology, which enhances the dispersibility and absorption of the active compounds.

Moreover, Gingever has self-affirmed GRAS status.

The OmniActive difference means innovation and solutions

We have team members standing by to help you address your most complex formulation challenges.

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Scientific references upon requests. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.